Proac 1sc or 2D for this size room

Hi All,

Just pulling my hair out deciding what speakew]r to get for this size room. Room size is 13.5ft x 13.5 ft x 9ft ceilings. Equipment is as follows:

Preamp Atma-sphere Mp1 Mk 2.3
Amps Atma-sphere MA2 mk 2.3
Interconnects / speaker cables Cardas Golden Reference
Phono Rega P9
Cd Player - Musical Fidelity KW SACD

Currently I'm using Confidence C5, but these are two large for this room and they only come alive when I turn them up which is not what I'm after.

After your thoughts as I can not audtion these next to one another. Since I'm going to a more friendly speaker I may down grade my amps to smaller Atma-spheres in the coming months.

Music taste are RNB / Reggae / Soul. No clasical / orchestra what so ever.


Showing 1 response by gunbei

Wow, I've been out of it for awhile. I'm a former ProAc owner and really loved those guys. Is the D Two a resurrection of the much heralded 2S?