Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!



Showing 2 responses by jriggy

Word is the i2s only works with the Pro-Ject corresponding DAC, but I’d be curious if the pin config does indeed work with another DAC (any DAC). But the AES/EBU output sound great. 

@wharfy I took Terry’s recommendation and switched to the Black Cat digi 110 XLR, over my past Snake River Audio Boomslang, which was to warm for my current system. Great cable (the SRA), I just needed neutrality for this spot and the Black Cat does that.