Thanks for your input. Elevick, I'm not really interested in getting one, I was just interested in everyones input about using one for home theater purposes. In other words, what is all the rave about? I'm tellin' ya, these guys will not part with these things for anything. Are they really that good? Price wise, they're a lot less expensive than dedicated HT amps. Just makes me wonder.
Pro amps
There seems to be a lot of discussion on some other forums regarding pro amplifiers. Seems that most people that took the risk and bought one have no regrets and will never look back at "home theater" amps again. Most of them say that they wish they had discovered pro amps earlier as it would have saved a lot of headaches experimenting with HT amps. The general consensus is that upon first hearing one installed in their system they are completely floored and cannot believe the quality of sound from these amps. Crown amps are one example. They cite extreme amounts of current yet some of the amps weigh all of 26 lbs. How can that be? Anybody have any thoughts on this?