
Which would you prioritise for an upgrade - mono blocks, pre amp or speakers? 

Showing 9 responses by carmenc

As an owner of Tannoys, you do not need Gamut monoblocks to power them.  Yes, you need some clean power, but quality is the most important factor.  Decide if you want tube or ss.  As for me, I went tube pre and ss amp for my DC8s.  From my research, the 10As are perhaps the "brightest" of the upper end Tannoys. No, I've not heard them to confirm.  A nice tube amp with at least 50 wpc or a ss amp with 100 wpc will be just the ticket.  If it were me, I'd sell the Gamuts, buy a good Integrated amp and get into the Prestige line....Turnberrys i.e.  Good luck and let us know your thoughts so maybe we can be of further help.  Regards.....
Not at all....just that you have lots of money tied up in all that "big iron" that is unnecessary for Tannoys.  $$$ that could be used to buy a nice quality integrated, which Tannoys do very well with.  For tubes think Manley Stingray, VAC, PrimaLuna HP,  Blue Circle ( what I use, but hybrid ).  SS think Pass, McIntosh, Accuphase, etc.. May need to buy used....that's ok.  That's a key concern, are the 10A's that much better than 10t?  Only you can answer that.

Username "sense63" has had experience with the 10A.  I believe he used a Primaluna HP to drive them.  Try to touch base with him.  That's the neat thing about Tannoys, you don't need to spend loads on an amp.  This is almost a 180 from all of my experience with Thiels.  Good luck.  Regards.....

@bombaywalla same can be said for you.  You jumped into this conversation not knowing anything about my setup as well.  You seem to want to banter with me more than help the OP!  
@infection what are your room dimensions?  It appears to me you've received some good advice from others here yet you're still spinning your wheels so to speak.  The Gamuts are unnecessary if you're trying to "steal from Peter to pay Paul" to afford the 10A.  If money is not an object then keep them!  The 10Ts do not NEED monoblock power.  Wanting that power is another issue.  Another way to go is with a tube preamp.  Many options....time for you to determine what's most important to you.

I listen to jazz, classical, fusion, vocals, Spanish guitarists, blues, international music and classic rock.  If you're playing rock and/or orchestral music in a large room, then I can understand your desire for power to control the bass on the DC10t.  Do you really like Tannoy speakers?  Have you listened to others?

Like others have advised, I wouldn't do anything or spend another cent until you've done more research, both outwardly and inwardly.  Good luck.  Regards....

@infection .....I am relaxed Dude!  I've found my speakers/system.....not chasing my tail and all over the board like you appear to be.  Advice or opinions, doesn't seem to matter as you seem to listen to neither!  Good luck, cause you're going to need it I believe.  Regards......

@bombaywalla ...we'll just agree to disagree, how's that?  The Tannoys don't need lots of power, you just want lots of power. Difference!  Our experiences obviously differ.  It's based on listening preferences, room size, etc.  Go back and read through all the advice here given to the OP to stay on track.

@infection, if you're in love with your amps and are seeking affirmation on how good they are then just keep them.  You started out by seeking advice yet give very little detail as @goheelz mentioned.  When I gave you advice based on my experience with Tannoys, which is extensive, you end up defending your amps which is missing my point.  Regards.......

@infection ....why don't we call it a truce?  I simply started out giving you my advice/opinions regarding my experience with Tannoys based on my listening room and my tastes in an effort to try and help.  Before I knew it, it turned into a back and forth about your amps.  I don't recall saying a bad thing about your Gamuts yet it seemed to me that's the way you perceived it.  Hell, I've never even heard them.  Hey we both have Tannoys so we've that much in common.  Let us know what you decide.  Regards......

@infection also, you mentioning the ARC amp and PMC speakers further suggests to me that you just want to try something different out.  That's why I asked you if you really liked the Tannoy's.  As my friend JohnnyR has told me more than once, "you're chasing your tail".  Now that I think of it, do grab the ARC amp and a pair of Vandersteen Treo CT and be done with it.  Buy lots of music and no more tail chasin.  You can just sit back and enjoy.  Regards.......
Of course your Tannoys are going to sound better in a larger room with more power.  What's the point?  Most of this stuff is all relative.  My Tannoys are in a smaller room with less power and sound great.  I think all any of us were trying to do here was to try and help infection based on his given information.  In fact, some of us were trying to get more information out of him to be of further help.

He and I've dropped the jousting match, why can't you?  I got to be honest here.  Some on this forum like to give advice and opinions, but are not as good at receiving them.  One of the unwritten rules of this hobby, keep an open mind.  Hell, that's one of the main reasons I come here is to learn.  Regards......