Primer on SSD and internal hard drives

I recently acquired a streamer /DAC that supports an SSD or internal hard drive.  This is new turf for me and wonder if I could get some basic guidance.  Please pardon my complete ignorance on this topic.

So what is the difference between an internal hard drive and an SSD?  Is one preferable?

The manual suggests using either a 3,5" or 2,5" drive. Does size matter ? ( no pun intended)

Are there sonic differences in the different available brands?  

Again, pardon my lack of knowledge on this topic and thanks for your help.




Showing 2 responses by fuzztone

Unclear question. Do you mean the diff between SSDs and spinners?

SSDs plug right into sata transport protocols. There is no such thing as a "sata drive". You can plug an old IDE spinner into sata with an adapter.  SSDs plug into USB with a $9 case.

SSDs are like USB flash drives except faster. And at 512 Gb or larger they are cheaper. Faster. than spinners too. When you load 10K+ files you will appreciate speed.

Noise is not an issue unless you live in a cave.


A more common issue is size constraints.My first streamer did not support any greater than a 1/2 Tb SSD.

All memory could go at any time. When your PC freezes it's a warning

For warranty they make you send it on your dime and then it's gone forever. I. hane been stiffed by more than one mftr.