Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated

I came up with this list based on price and functions but all I know is that they are (mostly) boutique brands, cherished by audiophiles. I have heard NAD and Vincent and none of the rest. 

  • Vincent SV-500
  • Primare I2*
  • Rogue Sphinx v2
  • Audio by Van Alstine Vision SLR 
  • Hegel H160/ H120
  • NAD C368
  • Simaudio Moon I-5

I don't stream, I have a turntable and CD player. I am good with 50Watts per channel, and I would like to avoid tubes for no-fuss maintenance. I have Klipsch RP8000F speakers. I prefer sound on the warm side, I mostly listen to 60s and 70s rock and some soul/jazz/blues. I have decent hearing, I enjoy a nice soundstage but I nothing as critical and analytical as some of you/the typical audiophile. 

I am a bit shallow, looks are important :) My budget would allow me to buy one of these used 5-10 years old (stretched... price is key, I would prefer a cheaper model with less functions)

If you own or have heard any of them and can tell me what the best choice/value is based on sound and reliability, that would be a great help.


Showing 4 responses by pangeek


I know you said no tube integrated amps due to the need  to simplify maintenance.  However you want warmth, I suggest (and this is what I have done as well a few years ago) is not make a purchase now but save up until you can afford around $1500.  I would then get a Primaluna Prologue Premium (preowned).   They are very very reliable, sound great and easy to maintain.  On EL34 power tubes they give you 35w of tube warmth with great bass and clarity, is able to drive most speakers.  Your klipsch will be very easy and I think would sound amazing with the Primaluna.  And then eventually you can tweak the sound to your liking by doing the center 12au7 tubes.  It’s a component I feel you won’t easily outgrow and in the Looks Department, how could glowing tubes not be inviting and beautiful.  
I did the leap into the Primaluna Prologue One after messing around with different amps, Mac 1900 Receiver, Dynaco, ADCOM and etc.   It’s best decision I made since I went back into tubes but have reliability with it.  

Here is a review of the Prologue One that’s an inter read and testament on how long they last with no frills and drama.


IMHO and  Just my 2 cents as well.  



@gano Cheers and Happy hunting.  This is honestly the best time since the excitement and anticipation is almost priceless.  Don’t keep us hanging and let us know what you decide on!

I would advise to audition the amps you’re interested in.  If from a local seller, try to go to their place and listen there.  I know synergy and space along with equipment is different but at least you checked it out.  Also keep in mind to be ready to leave and not purchase.  This is the hardest part.  Time and control.  Happy hunting.  
oh and the Prologue Premium from PrimaLuna has a remote.  Cheers

@drmusic that is a nice integrated amplifier.  Tube preamp and solid state amp side is a great idea.