Primare I30 vs Krell KAV 400xi

I'm trying to decide between these two amps to power my Spendor S8e and Rega Apollo cd.
Has anyone experienced these amps good or bad?
Thanks in advance for your input.


Showing 1 response by okocza

Krell 400xi wins hands down. Before faving purchased Krell integrated I had Primare I30 for two months. These are 3 major differences:
- Krell is able to drive evry kind of speaker if impedence don't fall below 2 ohms. Primare is much less powerful, a two-way mid-size floorstander Dynaudio Focus 220 is too diffcult for it.
- Krell offers very tight, fast, powerful bass. With Primare You have plenty of low bass but it's not so fast nor authoritative.
- the top end is fuller with Krell. But attention to marriage, if You match Krell with speakers that offer themselves too much highs, it may be a problem...

But Primare I30 is not a bad amplifier, especially for classical music.