Primare I30 and B&W 803D, enough power??

I am putting together a new system, going with a set of 803Ds bought from another audiogoner, and I am now looking into a integrated amp or separates, looking to spend around 1500-2000. I am reading very good reviews of the I30, but, on the other hand, many people mention that the 800 series are "power hungry" and many suggest 400 watt monoblocks for them....despite having a 90db sensitivity. Will I be fine with 100 watts (180 @ 4 ohms) for them? I am not looking to get ear bleeding levels, I dont crank it up since I live on an apartment and listening room is only 20 m2. My other idea is to go with some rotel power amps (1080 or 1090) but I think that the Primare will be in another league, sonically speaking.
Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by demianm

Thanks for all the replies. I kinda know what 100W RMS sounds like, but many people insist that 100w is too weak to drive these speakers. I know very well that 400w will give me lots of clarity at concert-levels when demoing the equipment to my friends with rock music, but the other 99% of the time I will be listening to jazz and other soft music at levels to maintain a good neighbour relationship. Right now I have a Rotel RB1062 at home and I am satisfied with the volume levels on my 90db speakers. It´s the harness and lack of soundstage that I cannot accept.

Space is also one issue for me, I would like to avoid separates for now so that my living room more or less stays looking like a living room.

Someone pointed out if I had any room treatment, well yes, there are panels at first reflections, and behind the speakers, and also 3 bass traps, helped a lot.

I am a bit hesitant to pull the trigger because I cannot try the Primare at home, and buying and selling it can be a bit costly, resale for the Primare is not so easy as another brands.