Primare A30 vs. Plinius 8200

Dose anyone have any experiences comparing Primare A30 Integrated Amplifier to Plinius 8200?
I know, both are excellent amplifiers.
Are there any big sonic differences?
My system: Theta Data Basic CD Transport, Theta DS Pro Basic IIIA D/A, JMLab Speakers, JPS Superconductor+ cables.

Thanks for any advice.

I have owned the previous Plinius 8150i and I now own the Primare A30.1. I prefer the Primare. It claims less power but sounds more open and clean to me. The highs are more refined than the Plinius 8150i but the 8200 may be closer I haven't heard it. Looks and build wise the Primare is the clear winner against most integrateds. It operates very smoothly. I listen to it and do not want another amp for a change. I can't hear a weakness but then again, thats me.
I have Quad 12Ls a Primare D20MKII cd, Kimber 8TC bi-wire speaker cables, Maple Audio Works Ambiance interconnect cables.
The Primare A30 is less in power at 100wpc but much more refined sounding than Plinius. Build quality is also better than Plinius.