Primaluna Prologue Premium CDP

Gday, has anyone had any experience with a Prinaluna CDP,  and warm discs after extended listening sessions. 
When I say warm, I mean warm enough to make me a bit concerned. 
Any information or help would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Showing 5 responses by ricey

Mmmmm, I'm taking on board what your experience and thoughts are, but I'll see what Upscale Audio say. 
I'll post their response, and let you all see what they say. 
Cheers Andrew
No worries about updating re any response from Upscale.. 
Hopefully, somebody here might be able to share any answers or experiences.. 
Have you been concerned with the heat of discs after ejection, rshak? 
Xheers Ricey
Thanks for your reply, I have contacted Upscale Audio... Was contacted by someone called Sean, he couldn't shed any light, but will talk to some technicians for some more information. 
Im a bit concerned about CD warpage?? 
This is my first tube/valve CDP.... 
I purchased the CDP from someone on a hifi site here in Australia calked Stereonet. He'd never removed it from the packaging, so I scored a bargain, unused brand new unit. 
I havent even burnt it in yet.. 
Cheers Ricey
I'm now wondering, if I remove the removable  protective cage, which may allow more heat to escape might make a difference?? 
Even the use of a fan...??? small fan
I run AC Infinity fans on my Cambridge Audio 851w, Oppo 205 and Denon AVR.