Primaluna EVO 400 Amps/Preamp lacking bass impact

We have Primaluna EVO 400 preamp with 2 EVO 400 amps running monoblock. Focal Kanta No3 speakers. 

We were hoping for a bit more bass impact. rolling the tubes in both amps might be out of the range we would invest here. 

Mostly music but sometimes used in HT setup with SVS SB-4000 sub. since the sub has full bass management we could add that leaving the Focal full range and setting the sub for 50hz/24db. 

As long as it is okay to have both balanced and SE outputs from the preamp hooked up at the same time? always wondered about that. 


Showing 1 response by audio_guy_uofw

The amp damping factor could be a significant source of this lack of bass definition.

From a Hi-Fi World review of the EVO 400:

"Output impedance measured 
2.3Ω, giving a damping factor of 3.4 in 
Ultralinear mode. Surprisingly, figures 
were a tad better in Triode mode at 2Ω
and 3.8. Both are ‘poorer’ figures than 
that of transistor amplifiers, but really this 
is dependent upon loudspeaker acoustic 
damping. "

This low damping factor would result in less control of the speakers at low frequencies compared to an amp with a higher damping factor. The NAD M23, for example, has a damping factor >800.