"He has a legitimate gripe, but he isn't dealing with the issue, he is simply trying to hurt those involved even those involved had no ill intent toward his negative situation and have taken steps to correct it. thorloki, you have lost credibility with me.
Dear timlub,
I am not looking for my $30,000. speakers to be replaced, I am NOT looking for compensation for my time lost and aggravation.
I have never, during this whole episode, asked for ANY KIND of compensation from PrimaLuna.
I understand, what happened here, was not intentional, on the part of PrimaLuna.
However, PrimaLuna, as well as other manufacturers, need to understand that they bear some responsibility for CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES!!
Putting out defective pre amps that blow up speakers and then offering to
REPAIR their DEFECTIVE product is NOT acceptable.
I would ask, that the posters who disagree with me, to consider, how they would feel, if this happened TO THEM??
I am asking for ONLY ONE THING, for PrimaLune to take care of it's customers.
I am asking that PrimaLuna, issue a recall of it's products, verify them,
and repair/certify and return the products to the owners.
If, as Mr. Deal says, he changed the caps on his units in stock, why then,
do the pre amps in customers homes, not deserve the same treatment?
If PrimaLuna, does this, then my faith is restored, and all is good.
IF NOT, then my suspicions are confirmed and PrimLuna does not give two bits about it's customers or the products it sells.
Lets see what Mr. Deal does.