Prima luna Owners - What Speakers are you using

I am interested to hear from Primaluna owners with regard to what speakers they use or feel match well with Prima Luna Amps
I use Primaluna Prologue 3, 5, and 8

Showing 2 responses by boccaccio70

Late to the conversation, but I have a Prima Luna CD player going into a Dialogue Premium Integrated Amp with KT120 tubes, driving a pair of Martin Logan EM-ESL electrostatic speakers, coupled with an SVS SB13-Ultra sub. It pulls me down to the couch every time. Have about 100 hours on them all and they are sounding seriously good.
In my opinion, yes. I find that the PL CD player has a real leading edge transient detail sound, keeping the drums and staccatto instrument groups dead center ( without sounding stiff or sloppy)
It has great low level retrieval, so the reverb trails off into total blackness.
I am running the CD player into a Prima Luna Dialogue premium amp, so the whole might be greater than the sum of its parts
I also upgraded my amp to TungSol KT120's, which improved pace.