Showing 1 response by northbeach

Looks like only the separates [not integrated] for the EVO 400 have balanced inputs [which Kevin has poo poo'd in his past PL videos as being irrelevant] and balanced output from the pre-amp to the balance input for the power amp. It looks like the EVO 300 integrated and EVO 200 integrated both come with headphone amps/jacks. That's what one gets over the Dialogue Integrated for $600 and the Prologue Integrated for $500. There's also an optional MM Phonostage for more [something Kevin has always discouraged having with a tube amp (or was it only a DAC with the same?)]. The EVO 300 and 400 Integrated have DuRoch Tinfoil Capacitors instead of SCR Tinfoil Capacitors. That difference isn't indicated on the EVO Power Amps. Du Roch Tinfoil Capacitors are ID'd for the EVO 300 and 400 Pre-Amps where the Dialogue Premium uses Mundorf Capacitors. The Capacitors appear to be the Sonic improvements.