Showing 5 responses by aolmrd1241

On the preamp,the only noticeable change in appearance is the faceplate now has a rounded beveled edge and the selector knob wording shows auxiliary instead of a separately named source input.. I would have preferred an all black colored case instead of the blue.. Also,a lighted indicator position on the volume control knob would have been nice for dark room listening sessions.
I was hoping by now Kevin Deal would have jumped in here to elaborate on the EVO’s upgraded parts details...Seems odd that he hasn’t...seeing he is the US distributor. Nothing really on his site either. 8(
I inquired about the sonic differences between the Dialogue Premium preamp and the new EVO 300 preamp...Upscale Audio’s response was as follows...

"I wanted to write you about the EVO 300 and the Dialogue Premium..... Sonically, I don’t believe that you will hear the difference between them. The reason for the hike in price is the new model line and a few different components that are changed within. We feel it’s not worth the upgrade as you already have an amazing preamplifier in the Dialogue Premium ." <End quote>
Hi tablejockey... No EVO setup,just the Dialogue Premium preamp... which I love!
I owned 2 Akitas in the early 80's and they are a great breed for sure. I snatched the photo online...mine had similar markings.