Price No Object Amps

Just posting for human interest/curiosity purposes. I wouldn't suppose anyone on AGON has one of these, however, from a sonic performance perspective, which would you choose?


Showing 6 responses by gdhal

I can think of a few amps costing a lot less that actually sound better; in two cases having heard them side by side (although that was a few years ago).


And it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s one of yours :)

....I will put my Sunfire sig 600 against these behemoth's (name drop) any day of the week. Bob KNOWS what he is doing.....


I know what you mean about Bob Carver gear. I had an MXR-130 for almost 30 years. While it was no match for the McIntosh MA5200, Krell Vanguard or Musical Fidelity M6si I auditioned, even the dealer commented how good the 30 y/o Carver sounded (I specifically brought it to the dealer for my comparison/audition).

I was under the impression that this was a lighthearted thread.


Yes, that was my general intent.
gdhal: Just for curiosity, which one will you end-up buying? ;)

I remain hopeful to be able to comfortably afford any one of them. It is a possibility, because I do play lotto regularly. At face value, just going by physical appearance and various articles I've read throughout the years, I would likely choose the Goldmund Telos 5000.