Preventive maintenance or wait till it breaks?

This is more focused on older gear- do you run gear until it's showing obvious signs of problems or do you do preventive maintenance before problems appear? I fall into the preventive maintenance side as I replace capacitors that are 20 or more years old. 
Bryston service is excellent. I've had an amp repaired- the turn around time was amazing. I also had a preamp refurbished- at no charge. 
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My take on this is a little preventative work goes a long way... Take the top off and clean everything with a vacuum and acid brush plus blow it out with compressed air, why?? Heat is your enemy and thats what causes heat fatigue on caps and soldier joints (look for darkened spots on your PCB's.  If it's running primarily in class A, get a six inch (computer type) fan and cool it...
Beware most “computer” type fans are garbage. The giveaway tell-tale signs? - if a fan has LEDs in it for “gee-whiz” factor, it’s garbage. If a fan is sold under any second-rate computer brand (Assus, Assrock, Gigabyte, etc.. ) it’s junk. Just go for the plain-Jane fans from Sunon or others. Otherwise, you will spend twice as much as you should, on a fan that might last a few months at best.