
I'm not unhappy with the Jeff Rowland Corus preamp,  but I don't know what I don't know. I'm currently looking for a solid state preamp with HT bypass to compare to my Jeff Rowland Corus preamp. I would like suggestions below $15K new list price to listen to. I have a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier, Antipodes DS GT music server and Chord Dave DAC. 

Showing 1 response by electroslacker

@georgehifi said: ...going direct can sound absolutely stunning with unmatched transparency and dynamics with the good to best recordings, but then almost unlistenable with the bad recordings,
Precisely my experience with a wonderful passive I auditioned that was much cleaner than the DAC volume control.  There were just too many recording where I really didn't want the band in the room because the mastering sucked.  A real conundrum.  Can I handle the truth? I'm back to that loosy-goosy search for a "sweet sounding" linestage.