Thanks for the reply. Yes,
since 90% of my listening now consists of streaming high res files
I have considered going DAC direct to power amp. It seems like there have been mixed results going direct and many have indicated "improved" performance with a high quality preamp inserted. That said, direct would certainly simplify things and I am certainly open to recommendations from folks who have had positive experiences. I realize there are also some DAC-preamp units out there but worry they would not live up to the Gamut's potential.
Preamplifier to replace Ayon CD-5S with GamuT D200i
Looking for advice regarding a preamplifier to pair with a Gamut D200i power amp and Salk SoundScape 8 speakers. I am currently using Ayon CD-5S as a preamp/CDplayer/DAC for streamer. The GamuT is fantastic and while I have generally been pleased with the tubed Ayon, the Philips CD-Pro transport recently sh** the bed and costs about $1,200 to replace. I am also not thrilled with dealing with Ayon here in the US. I mostly stream flac/dsd files now (no vinyl) so wondering I would be better off switching to a good preamp and standalone DAC. I have not heard the GamuT with any other preamps so interested experience of others.