Preamplifier for Threshold 400A

HI members. I need some advise on choosing a good preamplifier for a Threshold 400A. At this moment I'm using a Blue circle Despina 3 Preamp I would like something that offer balance inputs for future upgrades to a Threshold SA 4e. Your advise will be highly appreciated. Thanks. Osiris. 
My budget will be $1500.00 to $2000.00. If I find something in the use market based on yours suggestion I will sell the Despina  wich is not hard to sell. I would like to stay with tubes Preamps. Thanks for yours inputs. Osiris 
I went to a bottlehead Beepre and it is the best sound I have ever heard at any price. Not sure if you can add the balanced or not but I don't really see why that would be important unless you need to run 40' interconnects. 
Thanks. I'm not familiar with Bottlehead Preamps. I will look into it and take in consideration. Osiris