Preamp with two volume controls?


Anyone familiar with a preamp that has 2 volume controls. Currently I use 2 Mcintosh C50 preamps in my system. One is for the 2 MC252 amps and 1 used as a volume control for my 3 SVS subs and an Anthem STR amp. The extreme differences in how bass is recorded in new verses old recordings and the wide range in low frequency mastering in the many styles of music I listen to has led me to look for different ways to rectify these issues. What I am doing works pretty well, but I would love to have a more direct method. Thanks in advance.


You shouldn’t change the subs’ gain once matched.

I used to do it remotely with a MCM 50-8394 before I wised up. You really just need RC EQ so you can change it for each track. Or a simple RC gain control as above.. Or just keep overspending and convincing yourself it’s the best way. I don’t think you will find what you are looking for as it has no reason to exist.



First Sound preamps are quality units with left and right volume controls it that's what you're looking for.

Audible Illusions is based in Daytona, FL. and their tube preamps are well regarded. Also, their preamp has two "balance control" knobs (one for each channel), in addition to the master volume control.

The owners manual describes the balance controls as follows: "The amount of signal voltage applied to the line stage for each channel is regulated by separate stepped attenuator controls. The relative signal of the CHANNEL BALANCE is set with these controls. Setting both of these controls at 12 o'clock is a good starting point."