preamp vs amp: relative effect on sound?

Recently, there was an interesting thread on combining a tube preamp with a SS amp, which is what apparently a lot of people do.

So two questions.

Q1: in a preamp + amp combo, does each unit affect the eventual sound equally, 50/50, or is one going to affect the sound more than the other?

Q2: in a combo of higher gain preamp + lower gain amp, will more gain being provided by the preamp have any effect on your answer to Q1?

Showing 1 response by jjss49


it is highly situation specific, as you can imagine

prentice is correct, preamp will have more influence if the amp has a pretty easy time gripping and driving the speakers, otherwise, amp to speaker interface and interaction can be dominant

for many years i have always felt the heart of my system is my conrad johnson linestage (prem 16ls2 or et5 or art over the years), but i used fairly easy to drive bbc heritage speakers like spendor harbeth proac quad -- and i use plenty of amp to drive them whether tube or ss -- thus the cj brought the magic to the party...