PREAMP - Thoughts on PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell

Anybody have one and/or heard one lately?  If so:
  • What are your thoughts?
  • How would you rate it?
  • How did it compare to what it replaced?

Showing 1 response by rickallen81

I just got one on a trial basis with the M700 monoblock amps.  The amps by themselves are great and a solid improvement in clarity, depth, bandwidth, etc. over my Primaluna.  Where the Primaluna had to be cranked in order to produce realistic bass with my Spatial Audio M3 triode masters, the M700s do not have anywhere near the struggle.  

Adding the Stellar Gain Cell DAC/preamp into the chain made some noticeable changes for my system.  Some good, some bad.  Sense of space, apparent ease and flow of the sound improved and added lots of gain.  Too much gain perhaps as I can't turn it up past 20 without it getting almost too loud. 

Also, in quieter parts of tracks and when powering up, I notice that the amps produce almost no self-noise.  My Primaluna made a hiss audible at about 2 feet from the speaker.  Not a big deal for a tube amp.  The M700's by themselves, I have to really lean in and listen for any hiss.  As soon as I turn on the SGCD?  Hiss is audible clear from the couch.  Tried to isolate the issue - same noise on all inputs, active or not. Same noise using different digital cables.  Same noise using an outboard DAC and running interconnects to bypass the SGCD DAC section.  Tried isolating the power cable, using a different higher quality power change.  It's in the unit.  

Audio Science Review notes the presence of multiple spurious tones in the unit which they attribute to the use of the gain cell and a poor implementation of the DAC.  It appears that the gain cell has more to do with the hiss I'm hearing since it's there regardless of whether I use the DAC.  

I wanted to like the Gain Cell DAC since it could have simplified my chain significantly with a DAC and preamp in one with balanced in/out, same audio manufacturer (highest synergy of components), and a built in DAC.  Alas, the infernal noise of the unit is too cumbersome to tolerate even for the reduced price with trade-in.

Gonna have to go back...