Preamp Suggestions to replace a CJ PV-12AL

I'm looking for suggestions on what route to take in replacing my Conrad-Johnson PV12-AL tube preamp, not having anywhere near the expertise of the members here.

I drive a Classe CA-150 amplifier and Snell D speakers, with an iMac as a digital source and Apple Lossless encoded source data via optical cable into the preamp via a so-so DAC (Keces).

I'm very interested in the Classe CP-800, if it will ever come out so that I can listen to it. I'm also thinking about a McIntosh C50, but am wondering if it would be worth the extra $1500 over the CP-800 (the local audio shop guy says CP-800).

I've also considered getting a better DAC, which would open up many other preamp options.

Thoughts? Opinions?? Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Apparently we have three veteran audiophiles who concur in regard to the "musicality" of the CJ-PV12. Modified, classic electronics can be superior to the "flavor of the month".
Thanks! I talked to Bob, and I might go this route. Which mods did you do? He has a dynamic linearity mod, cap replacement, and two power supply mods.

This leaves the question of what DAC to use, though. Any suggestions? I'll check out the forums.

Oh, and I was looking for an upgrade, not necessarily a new sound. There could be some harmonics with certain tubes when they hit a certain age.
NOS tubes are best for the PV-12, choose your flavor. I prefer the RCA Clear Top 12au7.
start with the circuitry work and go a step at a time, although depending on the schematics the power supply mod and the circuitry mod may need to be done together.