Preamp Suggestions for my system

I'm looking for suggestions on which preamps to consider for my system combination. My system consists of Manley 300b Neoclassic PP/SET monoblocks driving the new Omega Super 8XRS (96db efficient) single driver alnico speakers. Cabling is Acoustic Zen Silver/Matrix and Hologram II for the speaker cables. I'm currently using a Manley Shrimp but I am looking to upgrade to a reference level preamp as I am looking for further resolution and detail, bigger soundstage and better/deeper bass control. I want a musical but not overly analytical sound with neutral voicing.

The Omega single driver are very revealing of whatever is upstream and I plan to hang on to the amps indefinitely so really looking for a preamp that will mate well with my amps. If I decide to go to different speakers in the future I figure I would at least like to have a rock solid front end to build off of (especially if I decide to go to even higher sensitivity horns down the road).

I have been looking at possibly a Conrad Johnson CT5 or something at that level. Would this be a good choice and are there other preamps I should audition at that level ($3-5k used or new).

Showing 2 responses by latinsamba1

Thanks for the input! I am beginning to audition what I can here around NYC and I listened to the AMAZING Shindo preamps and amps today. My search may be over (albeit at a price tag slightly above what I had intended to spend)...

The Monbrison full function pre was just remarkably musical and produced a sound so close to live music. I also want to hear a CJ CT5 and the Tron line but hard to imagine anything at that price point topping it :)
I heard the Tron Seven Reference phono last weekend at Highwater Sound and my search is now over. The Tron, paired with Tron Telstar and driving Horning Eufrodite speakers produced the most dynamic, natural and effortless music I have ever heard. Frankly, Jeff's system has me completely rethinking the path I plan to take with audio.

I placed an order for the brand new Seven Reference full function (line and phono in one box) unit on the spot. He also had a Syren set up and can only imagine what that must sound like! Many thanks to Jeff who I found both very knowledgeable and helpful.