Preamp suggestion

Can anyone can suggest me which amp will drive better with ThresholdT800, Price around 3000, both tube or solid also consider, prefer tube
I just got a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 preamp. This remote controlled tubed unit sounds great with my solid state ARC power amp. Should work fine with your Threshold. George << Can anyone can suggest me which amp will drive better with ThresholdT800, Price around 3000, both tube or solid also consider, prefer tube >> 
Take a look at our website at If you want something that is completely transparent we might have what you need. All of our units are available for a no risk 30 day in home trial! Guy Hammel, Placette Audio
Anthem PRE 1L $1000. or PRE 2L(remote)$1300. Great bang for the buck. Great reviews!Sonic Frontier's entry level audiophile gear.