Preamp-Streamer to Hook to D&D 8c (DAC Optional)

Looking for a one box preamp/streamer with AES out in the $5ish-7.5k-ish range (sound quality first but also excellent UI) to hook up to Dutch&Dutch 8c. It doesn’t need a DAC... and most preferably no DAC - presuming throwing a DAC in adds to unit cost. It needs to at least have balanced XLRs but preferably an AES out. The only one I know of with AES out is the HiFiRose RS150B (has DAC). Thoughts?

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Showing 1 response by dutchdutchna

There's a number of different streamer options that would work well with the 8c, but the main issue with AES is going to be digital gain control if you want to use the streamer as a preamp. The only one that I'm aware of having lossless digital volume is the Lumen. 

With that said, the AD conversion is quite good on the 8c, and I've had some customers and even dealers say that they prefer to go analog in.

For me personally, I wouldn't worry too much about the jump in and out of the digital domain, and would focus more on the day to day utility and usability of the system. Both the Roon and Ascend apps have fine volume controls (use able enough), but neither are as good as a physical (tactile) remote IMHO.