Preamp selection advice for rock music.

I am seeking the collective wisdom of the Gon experts.
I do not have the ability to A/B my picks or to audition
them in my system. I am fairly new to this hobby too.
I have an Audio Aero Prima CDP feeding into a Rotel 1066
prepro. The amp is also a Rotel, model 1095, that is going
to JM Lab Electra 926 Speakers. I have the CDP connected to
the prepro through the multi input so as to avoid the Rotel
DAC's. Not sure if this has an affect on the signal.
I like to listen to classic rock mostly and am looking for
a preamp that will help some of the 'HOT' recordings sound
listenable. Mostly helping with simbalance of the recordings
from Led Zepplin, The Doors and etc. I enjoy the detail and
extension that the Audio Aero CDP gives me along with the
expanded sound stage and would prefer to keep these features. The tubes in the CDP helped some but I think that
a tubed preamp would probably do even more and help with the musicality as well.
The two preamp choices that I have made are the Cary SLP
88 and the Conrad Johnson PV10BL. They are available here
on the gon for about $1000.00 and that would be my price
limit, new or used. I also would like to keep an eye to the future upgrade of my amp the next time upgradeitis rears its
ugly head ! Does it ever end ?
Any other suggestions would also be welcomed. HELP !!!
Some great responses from the pros !
I intend to keep the 1066 for home theater use and was just looking for a preamp that would tame the simbalance of some of my many classic rock CD's. I put the Audio Aero into
the multi input of the 1066 to avoid the DAC's of the 1066
when used in the CD input mode. This was the only thing that
I could think of to do to avoid using the Rotel DAC's.
Am I understanding some you correctly, when you say, that
the Audio Aero is outputing more info than my amp 'and' speakers are capable of handling ? I thought that the JM Lab
Electra speakers werea pretty decent items. I know that the amp is now the weaker link in the system.
Thahks for all of the great info. I really have learned a lot reading these forums.
Your Audio Aero is a great source as it is a match for just about any analog amp made. As a matter of fact there are some test CDs that push the limits of speakers especially at the high end(tweeters) and they come with a disclaimer that says if you use this test CD at a fairly high volumn you can do damage to the speaker that is not built to handle the range, even when putting 100 watts into a 300 watt rated speaker. Take this test Cd and put it into an audio aero and you will amazed at the extraordinary range you get.

I was playing with one using my McIntosh 2102 amp a while back and it reproduced a window breaking and I actually found myself ducking what sounded like a rock coming through my plate glass window!
Hello Saki,

I have heard both the Cary SLP 88 and the Conrad Johnson PV10 on my system and I can tell you that the Cary is richer and more dynamic than the Conrad Johnson PV10. The Conrad Johnson PV10 wins out in terms of the width and depth of the soundstage and the tightness of the imaging but is a bit more dry sounding than the Cary.

The Cary to me is more realistic and really helps you just relax and get into the music. Both preamps reveal very fine musical details but the Cary SLP 88 seems to paint a complete picture better than the PV 10. I have found that adding tube dampners to the Cary SLP 88 helped improve the imaging and soundstage on an already excellent preamp.

In summary, I think both preamps will take away the "hot" sound you are experiencing but the SLP 88 will be fuller and more musical in my opinion.

I hope this helps.
