Preamp recommendations for a Butler TBD2250?

I have a Butler on its way to me and was wondering if anyone had any preamp recommendations.

I currently have both the Placette and the Sonic Euphoria.

I'm also considering the Modwright 9.0 and the Blueberry Xtreme.

The rest of my system is Ack Dac 2.0, ESP Concert Grand loudspeakers, and Ridge Street Audio Poeima PS3 interconnects.


Showing 2 responses by mihilli

Hmmm, don't recall ever saying it was a quality issue Phil, I think the Modwright is a damn good linestage. What I DID say was that I didn't feel like it was a good match for the Butler. And I stand by that.

But thanks anyway for your, as always, insiteful comments, I didn't realise the input sensitivity on the Butler was so low.

And yes, I would like to hear how you get on with the Bat VK Tjpj, thanks.
I currently own the Butler 2250 and the Modwright 9.0

Not a good match in my estimation. I'm now using the Modwright with an Audiosector Patek which has great synergy.

Don't panic, the Butler is a beautiful amp, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it but I think a better match is either a SS preamp or a passive pre. With a tube preamp I just find the presentation to be a bit too "polite" if ya know what I mean.