Preamp Rec

I am in the process of upgrading my old system and, so far, have replaced my old Definitive BP8's with PSB Synchrony One Bs. Next step is a replacement of my old Adcom GTP 555 with a new preamp followed by replacing my old NAD cd player. For amplification, I am going to stick with my Adcom GFA-535ii for now.

Total budget for the preamp/CD combo is $3000. Would love to get people's opinions on what I should be looking at when I head to the local stereo stores.

Thanks in advance!

Post removed 
new rotel preamp RC-1082 = $1200
new rotel cd rcd-1072 = $700
new rotel amp rb-1080 = $1000
total $2900
I threw in the amp because I just cant see spending $3000 on gear to shoot into a old
$400 amp
Good luck
RA Opus 21, has volume, digital in and is about the best cd player you can buy regardless of price.
Thanks for responses. After a visit to my one of my favorite music stores, I am currently auditioning a Creek Destiny integrated and am quite impressed with the match between it and my PSBs. To help keep the budget in balance, I am running a Music Hall CD-25, which is significantly better than the old NAD T 550.

Question: How much of a difference is there between the CD-25 ad CD-25.2? I can get the floor model CD-25 for $475. Is the $125 in savings worth it?

One other question: The Creek sounds fantastic. Before I pull the trigger on this unit, is there anything that I should be thinking about?
