Preamp or DAC

Hello all. My system consists of the following:

Coda 16 Amp, Coda 07x preamp, Holo May KTE Dac, Aurender N20, Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers and a pair of REL 812 subs. I am considering changing either the preamp or Dac. I would like to go with tubes. Would you think I would get more sq change in changing the preamp or Dac? I am thinking Dac but I wanted to hear your opinions. Considering ARC, new Don Sachs or Aric Audio in pres and Lampizator or other in DACs. So, would the preamp or DAC make a bigger difference? I will say I have a $12k to $15k budget.



What are some of the shortcomings of the Coda 07 preamp?

I have the CSiB integrated in my system now and am just curious since the CSiB is essentially a combo of 07 preamp and 0.8 amp



Honestly I really like the 07x  I think it is very resolving, has a very wide soundstage and separation of instruments is excellent. I have no complaints. I am just looking for a next level and I wanted to get opinions on which of the two components would yield the most change in sq. I also wanted to try some tubes with the other components in my system. But I do really like the 07x and I have read where many reviewers/owners think it has tube like qualities. I definitely recommend it and even if I were to get a tube preamp I am pretty sure I will keep the 07x. 


@backdoor if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Keep the coda pieces. 
I’d just get a great DAC if I were you. Look into MSB Discrete, Bricasti M21 (has R2R and Delta Sigma plus different filter options). 
With Aurender N20 the best interface will be AES/EBU which would allow you to leverage the N20’s superb clock. I hope that’s how you connect streamer and DAC now. 

@audphile1 yes I am using AES/EBU connection currently and I too believe it sound better than USB or any of the others. I will take a look at Bricasti. Thank you for your input. Ultimately, you are more than likely right.