Preamp Options


I am interested in upgrading my integrated musical fidelity kw500 and replacing it with a pair of mono blocks and a preamp.

I am looking at the following pre amps:
Lamm ll2 reference
Lamm ll2.1 deluxe
Von Gaylord uni
Allinic l-3000
Audion quattro 2 chassis

If I go with the lamm, I will probably pair with lamm mono blocks. If I go with the uni, I will probably pair with the uni mono blocks.

I currently have Von Gaylord chinchilla interconnects and chinchilla speaker cables. I have some shunyata power cords and a hydra 8. I currently use b&w 803d speakers that are bi-wired. I listen primarily to indie rock and vocals using a vpi Aries 2 extended with a sound smith smmc1 cartridge.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Showing 3 responses by ybukhan

Kurt_tank thank you for the response.

I am not too worried about a remote, since I have to get up all the time to flip the LP. I currently have the Lamm LP2 deluxe, which sounds awesome and made me want to consider additional Lamm gear.

I currently run single-ended since all of my runs are pretty short and I have not found any interference issues.

If anyone has done any comparison that would be great. Since I am located in San Francisco, Von Gaylord is willing to let me audition the system, which I will definitely do, but I have no way to audition the Lamm, Allnic, or Audion.
