I have an AVR with pre-outs and hope to clarify whether only a preamp, and not an integrated, is sufficient and in either event whether the external component must have discreet HT Bypass inputs.
Let’s be clear here — you don’t want any part of the AVR in the stereo signal path, so you want only the stereo pre and amp (or integrated amp) in the 2-channel signal path when playing 2-channel sources. To specifically answer your question, you need either an integrated stereo amp or separate pre and amp to make this work. Since you very fortunately have front L/R pre outs on your AVR you connect that into either a stereo preamp (that then feeds a dedicated stereo amp) or integrated stereo amp, and all your 2-channel sources also get plugged into the stereo pre or integrated. If the stereo pre or integrated has a HT bypass you’re pretty much done with the speakers now hooked to the stereo amp or integrated instead of the AVR. Choose the HT bypass input on the stereo pre/integrated for movies and the other appropriate inputs for your stereo sources and it’s totally seamless.
If you don’t have a HT bypass on the stereo pre or integrated amp this still works by just choosing any unused input on the stereo pre/integrated, but since the stereo pre/integrated volume control will still be active (unlike with an HT bypass input) you need to set a reference volume level on the pre/integrated when you set the individual speaker volume levels for movies with the AVR. I used the 9 o’clock position on the volume knob on my stereo pre because it was easily repeatable and so when I switched the input between stereo sources and HT the volume wouldn’t blast if I forgot to adjust the volume beforehand. So when you’re doing HT the volume on the stereo unit needs to be at the 9 o’clock position for the channels to be in proper balance as you set them with the AVR. Hope this is clear — it’s really very simple but just seems more complicated when put into words. Lemme know if something still not clear.