Preamp: Mcintosh vs Modwright?

I asked this on the Bryston board over at Audio Circle and was hoping that some of you Agoners may provide some help.

I am looking for a tube pre to go with my 14b (speakers are OB1's) and am looking at either a
Modwright SWL 9.0SE or a Mcintosh C220.
This would be moving my Musical Fidelity CD-Pre24 to handle just cd playback and no preamp duties.

Feature wise, the Mac is more than I will use (no turntable in my system), where as the Mod, being
only a linestage will probably be enough to handle any future components.

Has anyone had the chance to compare these two pre's with a Bryston amp?

If I go for the Modwright, I would get it with the SWL Tube Recificatication Upgrade.
Cost wise, this would make about $3000 for a new SWL vs $3300 for a new C220.
I realize on the used market (Agon), the Mac may command a slightly higher resale price than the Mod.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

i am currently auditioning the mac c 220 and i did audition the modwright preamp. i did not have a bryston amp.

i prefer the c 220. it has more of a tube caharacter, while the modwright did not sound like a tube design.
hi hpower:

i had the modwright pre with the ss supply. i would still be surprised if anything modwright does has a very tubey character. his approach is linearity. keep in mind the advantage of the mac is the tone controls. a feature offering a benefit to many