Preamp Isolation Cones Without Going NUTS

What has been the experience of 'Gonners regarding the best EFFECTIVE vibrational/isolation, cone/footer combination product for use under tube preamps that doesn't cost a fourth the price of the components? Not platforms, but cones, points, tip toes, whatever. Say $100 or so TOPS for a SET.

Showing 2 responses by 4yanx

Sorry for throwing around definitions so loosely. I do think most will have caught my drift, therefore I rather look at such semantics as bit of nit picking. Let's say vibration control?

The Audiopoints are fairly reasonable in price, I will concede, though I have not cared for them under my phono stage. The Sistrum products, while deservedly highly lauded, are my definition of going NUTS (from a price standpoint).
I appreciate the suggestions, some of which I have tried, others which are of interest. Speakerdude, I have the threaded Solers under my speakers and they are great. Never tried the components cones.

Anyone know anything about the Silverline points I've seen listed here on the 'Gon?