I own a Rogue RP5 Preamplifier and a Krell KAV250 a 2 channel amp. Great combination . Nice balance of tube warmth and the solid punch of Krell. I am not sure if you are looking to replace both a preamp and amp or just a pre amp or just a amp.
I do see that you have a budget of between $3,000- $4,000. If you are looking at a pre amp only the Rogue RP5 would fall in that price range. For a amp only you might want to consider the new Atlas Magnum III amp or the Stereo 100. Either one of these amps would also follow in your budget guidelines. However, you will be out of your budget if you go with a preamp and a seperate amp.
Either way you decide to go, Rogue would be a good choice. Solid reliability across the board. They are made in America by Americans, and are supported by live people on their phone line. Great company to deal with. Best of luck in your audio adventure. Have fun.
I do see that you have a budget of between $3,000- $4,000. If you are looking at a pre amp only the Rogue RP5 would fall in that price range. For a amp only you might want to consider the new Atlas Magnum III amp or the Stereo 100. Either one of these amps would also follow in your budget guidelines. However, you will be out of your budget if you go with a preamp and a seperate amp.
Either way you decide to go, Rogue would be a good choice. Solid reliability across the board. They are made in America by Americans, and are supported by live people on their phone line. Great company to deal with. Best of luck in your audio adventure. Have fun.