Preamp for my Accuphase A-45 power amplifier

Alltough I already sold something very fast here, I am new at Audiogon. I'm spanish so I want to appologize upfront for the many errors against the english language.
I had been reading lots of opinions about analogue gear and found this forum a fantastic place full of knowledge and experience.
Since last year I onwn an Accuphase A-45 power amplifier that I bought as a demo device from a dealer in our neighbourhood. So far it has been ran with an old Luxman C-03 preamplifier. The dealer tried to convince me to buy an Accuphase control amplifier but I beleive that the musicality of a tube amplifier may be nicer in combination with this very resolving, clear and transparent A-45.
Any thoughts, experiences and recommendations would be very welcome
Thanks in advance
I finally bought a Coincident Statement Phonostage (4 x 12AX7 tubes) demo unit from Canada.
Very transparent with a nice wide soundstage. Also their cables are a serious upgrade in sound. I started with power cable. Which was very clean sounding in comparison with the muddy old powercord I had been using during 6 months. Then the IC cables from Phonostage to Power Amp was anothter gain in quality.
I'm very satisfied about the combination but I think the Tannoys are avoiding my Accuphase / Coincident combination from being to bright... or maybe the tubes are adding a bit of body to my sound?
Enjoy the music during these last few weeks of 2012
Thank you for your input.
Correct, budget is very important. That is the second reason why I was hesitating about the Accuphase C-2410 that together with the C-2810 have a sound close to a tube amps musicality and wide soundstage. The C-2410 is already very expensive, the C-2810 completely out of range. Budget would be max 2000 usd.
While I was waiting for your comments I read about Doge 8 and Conrad Johnson. I will check out the Shindo.
Thanks again for your help

I wouldn't discount an Accuphase preamp. They are very good sounding and well built. Plus they have a lot of features. Try one and see.
I think you have a very good idea re pairing a tube pre with the A-45.

I chose a couple of Conrad Johnson tube pres (ART and ACT 2.2) to go with my Pass XA.5 ss amps. You didn't mention budget (always important when someone asks for recs). Less $ than the ART or ACT 2.2, I'd feel safe in recommending the Premiere 16, maybe the 17.

Find the right tube pre and I think you will be real happy. Good luck.
I use a Shindo Monbrison with my Accuphase P-3000 amp and am very pleased with the result. As good as the P-3000 is, if I had the right opportunity to acquire a class A Accuphase amp, I would not hesitate to pair it with the Monbrison.