Preamp for magepan 3.7 and Sanders amp combo

Currently have an older Audio Research. L's15. Looking for a nice upgrade suggestion. Think tube pre might be the way to go. If you were going to a newer ARC model and price was an issue where would you suggest? The Refs are out of my price range. La26 or 27? Thanks for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by wynnosu

I am currently using a Reference 3 that I bought from a fellow Audiogoner a year and a half ago. It sounds marvelous, especially since I went past the 300 hour barrier on the 3.7s. Things didn't really open up as soon as I thought they would but the wait has been worth it. I know you said the Refs were out of your price range but a used Ref 3 might be a possibility.

Good luck with the Maggies!