Preamp dilemma...

Just sold my Audio Research LS15 to upgrade preamp. System is:

Basis 2001/Graham 2.2/MBenz m.09
Arcam Alpha 9 CD
ProAc 2.5's

I've been pleased, just looking for improved soundstage, dynamics; if I had to choose, I would say I would better tolerate some warmth in the system, but still want detail. Love nothing more than being drawn into the music. Listen to vinyl/CD about 60/40.

Preamps on the list:

Thor TA-1000
SF Line3
Joule LA100

I have a fairly long IC run to the amp (5 meters), but I'm hearing that balanced vs. single-ended isn't the silver bullet it was once thought to be, as evidenced by many high-end units only being made w/SE outs. My big concern is compatibility with the VT100MkII and the PH3, since there's no way I'm going to be able to audition many of these. Opinions on these (or is there a glaring omission that would work here?)
Another choice could be the CAT Ultimate (or the earlier III). Dynamics, rythm, transient attack and resolution are all good -- but, musicality is its strength.

the ls25 and ref 1 are in the same league
the ls5 is in a league with the ref 2
which is well beyond the ls25
I just bought a McComack TLC and am encountering gournd loop with the connection of my dish audio to it. Can any one help?
bhilbert check the forum archives, lots of posts on this: you may need an antenna isolation transformer or just use audio balancing isolation transformers on the audio connections. Or sometimes if you ground the sleeve of your incoming coax to house ground then that fixes this problem.