Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Congrats! It ships really fast considering the distance. I know what you mean about no more anticipation. Waiting for my Syrah was always somewhere on my mind. Don't worry, now all you will think about is getting home from work so you can listen to your 'new' music system.
Ever have so many people tell you how great a movie is that you work your expectations really high then when you see it, it can't possibly live up to all you thought it would be and you are somewhat dissapointed? Well, that's definitely not the case with the Supratek. It really all it's cracked up to be. The Real Deal. I started listening and it was a revelation...I kept mumbling to myself.."I never knew music could sound like this..." I suppose I have heard most adjectives to describe music reproduction and understand most of them, at least on an intellectual level. I now know I never knew what 'inner detail' and 'micro-dynamics' really are. Until now. It has vastly improved my entire system. I really have much more appreciation for the importance of a good preamp.
I think it's important to get some good tubes also. I got several and am working my way through them.
Good to hear it ships fast - I live in Silicon Valley (like BWhite), so hopefully I'll share the same fast shipping experience he had of three or four days

Noble110, to answer your question, I ordered my preamp in and around April 24th (the day I got word of my new job - I went for the Supratek as a bit of a celebratary gift).

Rockhead, good to hear you're still loving your Syrah. I can't wait as I have to put my brand new turntable through its paces as well (and I'm a vinyl newbie). Fun tims ahead, but it never ends - I'm eyeing up my cables now as upgrade candidates ;-)
I received mine in San Jose in about 4 days (that was last November). Be prepared for an invoice a couple of weeks later on from FedEx for Import Duty charges (mine were $105). Some people get charged some don't.

I only wish I had room for my Syrah anymore--had to move out of my dedicated room and now it doesn't see much action. It is a really nice piece of equipment both aesthetically and musically.

I got my Syrah today (just three days - very fast). Well as others have said, I don't wan't to comment too much on the sonics as it's just breaking in. It's sounding very very nice so far. Even thought it's early days, I can't help but comment on a few noticeable good impressions - a few adjectives I'd use would be clean, resolved and musical. And, it's beautiful. I managed to break my stylus today, so I can't comment on the phono section just yet ;-) I have to get a new stylus from the UK now so will be able to sample the phono section in about two weeks. I think NOS tubes are likely a must - for the 6SN7 secion anyway. I replaced the two 6SN7s with a couple of standard Sylvania GTBs and there was a good improvement (it's still amazing without the NOS tubes, but you might as well swing for the upgraded ones as they're relatively cheap.) I'll be looking for some better 6SN7s and 5881s.
Hey, I think I read a post here some time ago about the suggestion to start a Supratek forum somewhere.

It could be done easily in Yahoo Groups and the information on tube rolling and tweaks would be great. I would be very curious to hear what tubes everyone has rolled so far and the results.

What are the best 5881/6L6GC's that anyone has tried. Did they make much of a sonic difference? If I remember correctly, Mick told me that the 5881/6L6GC's don't make much of a sonic difference, but my memory may be faulty. I have used Svetlana 6L6GC's since day one and I also have a NOS pair of Sylvania's I haven't tried yet. I cancelled an order for NOS RCA Black Plates after reading many guys in the Tube Asylum said they are over-rated and over-priced. Anyone here try them?

And can anyone comment on whether you have heard any difference in 5881/6L6GC's. Obviously, the 6SN7's can make a huge difference and btw, how about the 5AR4 rectifier tube?

Does anyone know if the KT66 can be substituted for the 5881/6L6GC's? I know I can email Mick, but I thought someone here may have already asked him. I am sure he is busy and the last thing he needs is for me to bug him about tubes. However, if no one has the answer, I will shoot an email off to him.

BTW, I remember Todd Krieger said his Supratek power supply ran really hot with NOS Ken Rad VT231's, but that is what I am using and both units are only mildly warm.

I did place my Chardonnay on a big block of Styrofoam and the isolation definitely enhanced the clarity. (I recently put all of my components on thick Syrofoam bases and the difference was very obvious.) Each time I isolated another component with Styrofoam, I could hear a difference. Most passages that were unintelligible before the Styro became discernable after everything was placed on the foam bases. (This has been much more effective than other isolation devices I have tried.)

Oh yeah, another thing that helped immensely was to get my cables up off the carpet. Came up with a really good tweak for that!

Anyway, I have rambled enough, but it would be great if someone would take the initiative to start a Supratek group. (And don't suggest that I do it, I don't have time!)

Well, wait a minute let me think about this....

hold on... let me go over to Yahoo and see how long it will take to set the group up.

Oh, awh right. I did it. I guess I can't ask someone else to do what I am not willing to do. Here is the address, just go to the group and join, then begin posting.

