Preamp/DAC with an analog input

Hi guys. I'm looking to upgrade to a decent DAC to run as my system preamp. Problem is that the unit needs to have balanced outs and at least one analog input to run my phono. Doesn't need to have balanced ins but that would be great as well. If there one that can stream that would be totally bonus!
I've considered the NAD and a few others but I need to be under $2500 USD.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be welcome. Thanks guys. 

Showing 1 response by junzhang10

Oppo HA-1. has one pair of XLR and one pair of single end RCA input for pre-amp. It is a class-A preamp and earphine amp. mainly it is a DAC based on ESS9018 which is very good DAC for DSD and Hi_res music.