Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's?

Well here it is: I finally got my Cain Abby's three months ago and they are completely broken in (800+ hours). Now it's finally time to try out some different preamp/amps. After talking to Terry (Cain) and since no amp seems perfect for my musical tastes (everything from World, Jazz, Rock), I am currently looking at getting two different amps for different moods with a matching preamp:

Fi Y preamp

SET amps:
(intended for low volume, relaxed listening sessions)
Bottlehead S.E.X. amp (already got it, but it is still not quite finished)
Fi X amp (planned for sometime in the future, fits 2A3 and 45 tubes, just love the looks)

Solid State:
(for more bottom end control, and a fast, tight sound)
First Watt F1

Any comments, experiences, recommendations?

The rest of my system...(just replaced the Super 3 with Abby's)

Well, thanks already in advance for all your help.

Best wishes,


Showing 5 responses by oakiris

I am going to be purchasing the Abby speakers and am also interested in what amp is best with them. I currently have all solid state equipment (Rotel) except for my headphone amps (Singlepower.) I am betting that tube amps would be better with the Cain & Cain speakers than solid state.... My situation is further complicated by the fact that my system has to do double-duty for both HT and 2 channel, as my house is much too small to have a dedicated listening room, let alone a separate HT room.

Any thoughts on this?

And where is your amp research taking you, Rene? After only 2 hours of listening to them at the seller's house, I love these speakers!

Rene - Did you ever consider the Sophia Electric Baby amp? Or maybe their next step up in entry level amps, the S.E.T.Music El34 stereo integrated amplifier?

My Cain & Cain dealer had good things to say about the Sophia amps, but did not have one in stock at the time when I auditioned the Abbys last Saturday. He will be getting some in and I hope to listen to one with the Abbys at the end of this month.

Hi Rene - thanks for the comparison. I will be buying my Abbys from Jim of Sounds Real Audio too - small world! I am leaning towards the Sophia, but will have to wait to hear it to see what I think. Of course, when I auditioned the Abbys, Jim had them hooked up to deHaviland tube amps - way too rich for my blood, but if only.... :-)

Do any of these amps have an HT pass through? I am looking for an integrated tube amp with the pass through but haven't found any in my price range; I would rather not pay more than $2000... :-( I think I am out of luck and will end up just continuing to use my Rotel SS equipment.

Just to let folks know, when I picked up my Abbys last weekend, I somehow also ended up with the Sophia El34. :-D

I'm loving the combination!

Now all I need is a new CD-player, and some different interconnects, and some after-market power cords, and.....Guess I'm not off the roller coaster yet but my system already sounds much, much better.

Good luck with your search, Rene. I hope you are as happy with whatever amp/preamp you choose as I am with mine.
