Preamp / Amp / Headphone Amp Conundrum [A Newbie in the Midst]

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting, but I've lurked on these forums (and many others) in terms of research and getting information on creating a TT setup for awhile. I'm pretty set on the setup below (speakers are TBD), but my main question is given that my preamp doesn't have a line out or tape out and my main amp doesn't have that either what would the workaround be if I were to integrate a headphone amp individually?

I know this isn't ideal as I could find a phono preamp with a headphone integrated or within a power amp that is integrated as well, but call me stubborn because I really am dead set on this. I guess my main question is: how do I incorporate a headphone amp in this setup - if it's not possible then let me know and I can reassess my preamp decision.I live in a small apartment so the headphone amp would be used whenever my GF isn't interested in using the near-field speakers.

Music Hall MMF 7.3 TT (Ortofon 2M Bronze)
Puffin Phono DSP Preamp
Yaqin MC-13S (Integrated Amp, Used Power Amp)

If there are compatibility issues with impedance here that I'm not seeing than please jump in! This is the first time I'm setting up my own system but I believe I've matched it correctly, so any call outs are welcome. As for my main question, I'm guessing the only way through is to chain the Puffin > Headphone amp > Yaqin

Thanks for the insights (go easy on me :) ),
May be possible to use a RCA splitter to connect the Yaqin amp and headphone amp to the preamp output. 

 I would only turn one amp one at same time. As a further precaution, when using one amp and wish to use the other turn the used amp off, wait a few moments prior to turning other amp on. 

Hopefully other will respond regarding my suggestion.
Yea, that was my only other guess but I wasn't sure if it was viable since I've really never encountered an example when searching for an answer
Welp, no one else has chimed in so I'm guessing mesch's suggestion looks to be a viable option . Thanks, mesch!
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