Preamp advice- getting up to speed

Looking to match a preamp/receiver to my vintage components.
Mainly listening to 60’s on up rock, progressive rock, pop, occasional classical pieces, classic jazz, bluegrass.

Luxman M-117 amp
ADS 1290 speakers
Oppo CD/DVD player
B&O Beogram turntable

The turntable will likely not be part of the setup. It will remain in another room with a Pioneer SX850 receiver, ADS 520’s, pinball machines and a lava lamp. So mostly streaming and CD’s once in a while. The M-117 is replacing a Denon PMA 900v.
I’ve been going down the rabbit hole on this one. Originally thinking a vintage piece. Yamaha C or CX series, Adcom, NAD, but lately thinking of a newer one.
It would have the benefit of 21st century features- streamer, DAC, Tuner, remote control, bluetooth, etc.
Perhaps a Marantz NR 2100 or something similar? Would a tube preamp with a separate DAC be a possibility?

I am not up to speed on newer components and how they do or don’t work with older pieces.
Don’t want to spend a fortune, but realize I have to invest a bit.

Any advice is much appreciated.Thanks

Showing 4 responses by theyesman

I’m using a Denon 900v integrated now but want to replace it with my Luxman M-117 amp. So wlll need  a preamp.  Tubes intrigue me. I’ve read up a bit on them, but have zero experience with them.
I’ve been out of the audio loop for so long, I’m  trying to catch up. Looking for the creature comforts of new gear, but I am not in the thousands of dollar range. At least not yet. For SS, Cambridge  Azur 851N  looks like it may work?? Not using phono in this room. 
Yeah Russ, that’s what I’m gathering here. What should I be looking at today?
There are so many manufactures. My budget for this piece 1-2k. Something I can build on or grow with.  Baby steps. 
I will look at those. I had been looking at the Black Ice line. I believe they were Jolida?
My biggest problem is finding ones I can demo. The education and search continues !