
Have an audio research sp6 thinking about changing to sp20

worried about loosing warmth



Showing 1 response by hsounds

You are better off with a Hana ML setup correctly than a Hana Umami Red setup incorrectly.  

due to the three Stylus/ Cantilever manufacture we are at the mercy of them. If you setup the cartridge just using the cantilever, 9 out of 10 times you will be wrong. It probably won’t sound horrible but it will not be perfect. On some styli they will sound good but you will be doing irresistible harm. If you want to spend $1200 to $4,000 on setup equipment then so be it. For $400 plus travel sometimes your cart will be setup with the least amount of problem and distortion. Once Azimuth and more importantly Zenith are setup correctly you can play with the VTF or cartridge weight to get the sound you desire or that sounds right to you in your system 

Brian, The owner of travels to most of the shows east of the Mississippi. If not he does have clients that pay him to fly out and setup their gear. 
I hope this helps. It sounds like $400 is a lot. In the end it will be the cheapest part of your vinyl rig. Equipment and vinyl are expensive.