
I recently acquired a Krell amplifier; FPB-600 and I need a better preamp. Currently I'm using a Nakamichi CA-7A and I was thinking of a McIntosh or a Krell. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

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I have often thought about buying a Nakamichi CA-7A preamp because of my confidence in their cassette decks (I've had many). Specifically, what don't you like about the Nakamichi? I'm just curious. I know it doesn't have the heft or build-quality of anything by Krell, but does it sound bad?
Hi, The Nak is a fine preamp. I was told by Krell that it does not have the proper amount of DC voltage to fully drive the Krell FPB-600 to its fullest capacity, plus it lacks XLR outputs, which is a superior connection to single ended, i.e. Quieter and less noise. The problem I have is that a Krell preamp, does not have enough inputs to accommodate the number of sources I have. 

bradley_horwitz hi,

what is your source? and does it have a volume/level control?

If so have you tried to use direct into the Krell? 

Cheers George

Hi George, 

I use a few different sources, including analog tape. I have not tried connecting directly to the Krell amp, as I was told by Krell not to and that my preamp needs to have a minimum of 6 to 12 volts (DC)? Of output to fully drive the Krell