Pre to match with Bel Canto amp s

Any Bel Canto amp users effectively using a non Bel Canto pre?

Any good experiences?

Currently running a Cary, looking to step up to something with XLRs...

Showing 1 response by doggiehowser

I have tried the Bel Canto REF1000Ms and REF500Ms.

With the original DAC3.5VB, I preferred the Pre3 in the chain. But after I got it upgraded to the VB MkII, I thought the Pre3 lost some of the detail I got from the upgrade so I preferred it direct.

That said, I assume you are using a tube pre amp - which I find really tempers the Bel Canto amps very well - adding a lushness and 3 dimensionality to the sound of the power amps - which can sound sterile/overly neutral at times.

I have tried the Ayon CD5S (a tube CDP/DAC with an analog preamp running quad 6H30s) and also the Audio Research Reference 5 and 5SE (both also with quad 6H30s) and both are just amazing with the Bel Cantos.

Both are also fully balanced.