Pre/Power Amp pairing recommendation

I recently picked up a pair of Vienna Acoustic Haydn Grands at a ridiculous price and want to pair them up with a good amp (integrated or pre/power combo) for around $3K (new or used) I was considering something like the Ayon Spirit II/III, Rogue Metis / Atlas Magnum combo, Manley Shrimp / Snapper combo to name a few. I have read great reviews on the equipment mentioned but would like some recommendations from my fellow a'goners.
An interesting fact, the Butler Monad A-100 monoblock amps have 1 Farad (that's 1 Million microFarads!!!) capacitance. Now THAT is overkill!

Yes, Rlwainwright, that would be overkill, especially for the "Haydn Grands"!
Thanks for the replies and recommendations. Keep them coming. I'm leaning towards tubes and welcome recommendations as well.