Pre/Power Amp pairing recommendation

I recently picked up a pair of Vienna Acoustic Haydn Grands at a ridiculous price and want to pair them up with a good amp (integrated or pre/power combo) for around $3K (new or used) I was considering something like the Ayon Spirit II/III, Rogue Metis / Atlas Magnum combo, Manley Shrimp / Snapper combo to name a few. I have read great reviews on the equipment mentioned but would like some recommendations from my fellow a'goners.

Showing 2 responses by rlwainwright

The Butler TDB-2250 for sale on A'gon would seem to be a worthy candidate - massively powerful tube goodness (250 watts/ch.) mated to MOSFET "balls". Research (and then buy) this amp ($1800) and then find a suitable pre and you will have a world-class system...

An interesting fact, the Butler Monad A-100 monoblock amps have 1 Farad (that's 1 Million microFarads!!!) capacitance. Now THAT is overkill!
