Pre for the Manley Snapper

Everytime i visit a hifistore, and tell them about a pre for the Manly Snapper. They always tell med different preamps, and the shop that has the Manley snapper mono amps they tell me, that i cant use that or that. I have to but the pre they are selling. 
And of course i can buy the Manley Steelhead, and thats the end of it. It will fit like a glove. But i hope to find something cheaper than the Steelhead. Probably with a dac and streaming device. But i hope for a pre that dont have digital volume. Because with digital volume, i get the feeling when i play on low volume that there is something holding back the sound. It fells compressed in the sound, if you understand my thinking. 
So does anybody know of a good pre for the snapper that dont cost more than maybe 5.000€ perhaps.
So any suggestion you good folks out there in the sound jungle


Showing 2 responses by murraylives

You can run most anything with the Snappers and their 330Kohm input impedance. Also don’t really need to worry about XLR unless you’re trying to run your amps in a different room from the pre or something.

Manley pre’s tend to do a couple things really well (at most), and that’s it. I love the 300B preamp with a Chinook, but that doesn’t sound like it’d meet your needs.
Linestage/preamp are arbitrary designations. Some say anything without a phono is a linestage, some say whatever’s between the source and the amp is PREamp. It’s all angels on the head of a pin. 

OP, I’ve never heard a bad thing about the C-22 reissues, and you can find them used in the $4,800 ballpark; can’t think of a reason there wouldn’t be good synergy. With monoblocks I’d prefer a dual mono pre, but I doubt it really matters at the end of the day.